
Spain opposes sanctions against Russia

SpainMadrid- Spain opposes retaliatory measures against Russia over its policy on t

Spaniards invent packaging to keep bread fresh

Zaragoza, Spain  - Spanish scientists have invented packaging that keeps bread and other baked goods from going mouldy for up to 10 days, authors of the study said Friday.

The wax paper packaging contains cinnamon oil, which has high antimicrobial activity.

Packaging containing 6 per cent of cinnamon oil inhibited 96 per cent of mould growth, while plain wax paper did not prevent it, according to the study carried out at Zaragoza University.

Scientists have earlier made less efficient attempts to fight mold with different methods, including ultraviolet light, sterile packaging and chemical preservatives, the authors of the study said.

Spanish police to quiz technicians again about crash plane

Madrid  - Spanish police intend to question technicians who failed to inform them that a reverse thruster of the plane involved in the Madrid crash was faulty and had been blocked, the radio station Cadena Ser said Friday, quoting police sources.

The MD-82 belonging to the airline Spanair crashed on August 20, just after take-off for the Canary Islands, killing 154 and injuring 18 people.

Three days earlier, technicians found a fault in the plane's right-hand reverse thruster and locked it. The reverse system helps planes to brake prior to landing.

Safety regulations allow the procedure, but the technicians failed to inform police about it during questioning after the accident.

Weekends are rainier because of air pollution

London, August 29 : Researchers from Spain have said that they have evidence that the weekends are more rainy in some parts of Europe, a result of air pollution produced by humans.

According to a report in New Scientist, the research establishes the fact that the weather in certain parts of the world, including the US, Japan and China, can be driven by the weekly cycle of human activity.

This is because human activities result in the production of more air pollution during the week and less at the weekend.

Evidence that such an effect occurs in Europe is controversial and has been harder to come by.

Spanish holiday jet turns back over "technical problem"

Spanish holiday jet turns back over "technical problem"

Madrid crash plane had "minor" technical problems before flight

Madrid air crash pilot did not report anything unusual Madrid - The Spanair MD-82 passenger plane that crashed at Madrid airport had two technical problems shortly before the fatal flight, which killed 154 people, Spanish press reports Thursday quoted Spanair sources as saying.

The problems are usually regarded as minor, but experts said they might be connected to the accident on August 20.

Three days before the flight, a fault was found in the reverse thruster system of the right-side engine. The system helps planes to slow down when landing by reversing air flow from the turbine.
