
Flooding kills two Britons in Spain

SpainValencia, Spain - A British woman and her daughter were killed after being carried away by flooding near Valencia in eastern Spain, officials said Friday.

The two women, aged 47 and 14, had been crossing a gully on foot in L'Olleria on Thursday evening. Their bodies were retrieved in the morning.

Rainwater inundated streets, tunnels and garages, and blocked roads and railway lines in the Valencia region. The ports of Valencia, Gandia and Sagunto were closed.

In southern Spain, stormy weather prompted the suspension of ferry links with the Moroccan port of Tangier and Spain's north African enclave of Ceuta.

Spanish stocks suffer new losses

Spanish stocks suffer new lossesMadrid - The Madrid stock market was dra

Madrid to remove "human ads" from city centre

Madrid - Spain's capital Madrid will ban the "human ads" that had become one of the colourful features of the city centre, press reports said Friday.

An estimated 30 people walk around, mainly near the Puerta del Sol square, wearing placards on their chests and backs.

The placards advertise pawn shops, with the text "I buy gold," tattoo shops, and the like.

Using people as advertising supports violated their "dignity," mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon said. The ban was expected to enter into force in early 2009.

The human ads themselves, however, did not appreciate the city council's zeal to protect their dignity.

Faults in flaps, slats caused Spanair plane crash in Madrid

Faults in flaps, slats caused Spanair plane crash in Madrid Madrid - The Spanair plane involved in a crash that killed 154 people in Madrid in August attempted to take off without opening its flaps and slats, according to the 12-page preliminary report on the accident released Thursday in Madrid by the Spanish Public Works Ministry.

The document said that the wreckage of the MD-82 showed the malfunction, but the pilots would not have known there was a problem because the alarm signal did not go off.

Faults in flaps, slats caused Spanair plane crash in Madrid

Faults in flaps, slats caused Spanair plane crash in Madrid Madrid - The Spanair plane involved in a crash that killed 154 people in Madrid in August attempted to take off without opening its flaps and slats, according to the 12-page preliminary report on the accident released Thursday in Madrid by the Spanish Public Works Ministry.

The document said that the wreckage of the MD-82 showed the malfunction, but the pilots would not have known there was a problem because the alarm signal did not go off.

Spanish Wikipedia erroneously announces Le Clezio's death

Spainish WikipediaMadrid  - The Spanish edition of the internet encyclopedia Wikipedia on Thursday erroneously said French author Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio had died of a heart attack on hearing that he had won the literature Nobel Prize.

"On hearing the news, because of the surprise, he suffered a heart attack and was taken in critical condition to the Charles de Gaulle hospital in Paris, where he died at 1.05 pm," the Wikipedia entry on Le Clezio said.
