
Patriarch Pavle resigns as head of Serbian church

serbiaBelgrade - The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Patriarch Pavle, has resigned owing to poor health, the SPC said on its website Friday.

The Holy Synod, the SPC government, said Pavle requested to be relieved when the church assembly takes place on November 11.

Pavle, 94, has not left his room in the Belgrade military hospital since November.

However, despite his frail, if stable condition, he earlier refused pressure to step down.

New, appealing nationalist party opens shop

New, appealing nationalist party opens shopBelgrade - The new Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), a splinter of the extremist Serbian Radical Party (SRS), formally opened shop Wednesday on a promise of moderation, European Union membership, and military neutrality, wrapped in national pride.

The former acting chief of the Radicals, Tomislav Nikolic, was elected president of the new party at the founding congress Tuesday night.

His first move was to wash his hands of the belligerent extremist image - which he could not do while in a party that spearheaded extremist policies for Slobodan Milosevic's regime.

Serbia political foes formally make up

Boris TadicBelgrade - Pro-European Serbian President Boris Tadic's Democratic Party (DS) and the Serbian Socialist party (SPS) (of the late former president Slobodan Milosevic), formally reconciled on Saturday, four months after agreeing to build a coalition government.

The DS and SPS jointly declared Serbian membership of the European Union as their goal, while - in a reference to the declaration of the former-Serbian province of Kosovo in February - pledging to preserve "the full integrity of Serbia."

Podgorica police break up violent pro-Belgrade demonstration

Podgorica police break up violent pro-Belgrade demonstration Podgorica - Montenegrin police used teargas in the capital Podgorica Monday evening to disperse pro-Belgrade demonstrators demanding their government revoke its recognition of Serbia's breakaway province Kosovo.

Several thousand people showed up for the rally called by four pro- Serbian opposition parties. The protest turned violent when demonstrators began hurling rocks at police guarding the assembly in downtown Podgorica. Several people were reported injured.

Nobel, neighbours sour Serbia's success at UN

UN calls for observance of truce during Beijing OlympicsBelgrade  - Serbia's latest slap came from the Nobel peace prize committee Friday, ending a week in which Belgrade declared a rare diplomatic triumph in its quest to keep Kosovo.

Only on Wednesday, Serbia hailed the UN General Assembly decision to back its campaign for an International Court of Justice (ICJ) opinion on Kosovo's declaration of independence.

Serbian ultra-nationalist party fragments

Serb nationalists, Milosevic's socialists to run BelgradeBelgrade- The ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party (SRS), which won most votes in past three parliamentary polls but never returned to power since falling with Slobodan Milosevic, finally fell apart on Friday.

Acting chief of SRS over the past five years, Tomislav Nikolic, and its secretary general, Aleksandar Vucic, completed their defection by registering the new Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).
