
Separatist passions heating up in Russia's restive North Caucasus

Russia GeorgiaMoscow - The ceasefire between Russia and Georgia has not calmed down the Caucasus. While inhabitants of Georgia's separatist enclaves Abkhazia and South Ossetia celebrate formal recognition by Russia as independent nations, hardly a day goes by without bloodshed in Russia's North Caucasus regions Ingushetia and Dagestan.

Arms embargo on Georgia tops Russian agenda for Geneva peace talks

Russia Moscow MapMoscow - An arms embargo against Georgia would top the Russian agenda at international peace talks in Geneva on October 15, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday.

"When deliberating there on how to prevent another aggression, the task of preventing Georgia's re-militarization will be paramount," Lavrov told a discussion group of Russian foreign policy experts, news agency Ria-Novosti reported.

He said the embargo should stand, "at least as long as (Georgian President) Saakashvili remains in power."

NATO chief reassures Baltics of security

Russia, GeorgiaRiga - NATO's top official reassured Baltic nations of their security as members of the alliance Friday in the wake of Russia's war with Georgia.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - all former Soviet satellites - have been concerned for their security after watching Russian tanks roll into Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia.

"Nobody should doubt that this alliance ... given when necessary will do what is necessary," NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer told journalists in the Latvian capital Riga after talks with Latvian President Valdis Zatlers and the three Baltic foreign ministers.

Iranian foreign minister in Moscow for talks

Tehran, IranMoscow - Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Friday for talks, news agencies reported.

"We regularly talk and review our relations at the highest level," Lavrov said at a joint press conference in Moscow. "I mean our trade relations, questions concerning the completion of the nuclear power plant at Bushehr, and other issues."

Russia this year sent the first shipments of nuclear fuel to the plant it is building for Iran in Bushehr.

NATO diplomats to visit Georgia over Russian objections

NATO airstrike kills 15 Taliban in southern AfghanistanRiga - Diplomats from NATO nations will visit Georgia next week despite Russian objections at the show of support for the country's pro-Western government, the alliance's top civilian said Friday.

The North Atlantic Council, which groups ambassadors from all 26 NATO members, plans a two-day trip starting Monday that includes a stop in Gori, a strategic town shelled by Russian forces during last month's fighting between the two countries.

Russia says bomber flight to Venezuela proves global reach

Moscow  - The flight of two Russian nuclear-capable bombers to South America this week is proof that "any region in the world" is within reach of the country's long-range bomber fleet, Russia's air force commander said on Thursday.

"We have tested ourselves, and our bombers are capable of making flights to any region in the world," Colonel General Pavel Androsov told a briefing in Moscow on Thursday.

The TU-160 bombers, known as "Blackjack" by their NATO codename, were not equipped with nuclear weapons when they landed in Venezuela on Wednesday for a four day stay ahead of joint naval exercise in the Caribbean.

Androsov said in the televised briefing the planes carried only dummy missiles.
