
Muslims clerics use religious procession for polio eradication campaign

Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh), Feb 19 : Muslim clerics have come out in a big way to fight against polio in Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh.

Health authorities say Muslims are apprehensive about administering polio drops to children because of some unfounded concerns.

They used an annual religious procession to convey messages on polio eradication with the help of banners and exhorted people to join the fight against the scourge.

The procession was named as ''Saabri Jhanda Jalus ir''.

Girl astride a horse to woo the bridegroom

Moradabad, Oct. 16 : A girl in Moradabad recently created a ruckus of sorts here when she visited her fiancé’s house astride a horse, like an Indian bridegroom, to woo him to marry her.

Though it looked hilarious to many onlookers standing in the streets to watch a girl dressed as a bride but riding a horse as an Indian bridegroom, but Geeta’s side of the story gained public attention.

She complained that her marriage was called off after one year of engagement citing false allegations against her family by her ‘could be in laws’.

Ramlilas on the wane in Moradabad

Ramlilas on the wane in MoradabadMoradabad (Uttar Pradesh), Oct. 2 : There was a time when Ramlilas, the street plays on Lord Rama’s life, were a major draw for families ahead of Dussehra festival in Uttar Pradesh. But today the modern life appears to have overshadowed its decades old charm here.

Many organizers attribute this downward trend to the steep hike in the cost of various inputs in staging the shows. Besides, the public at large hardly have time for such functions due to availability of so many programmes on TV and movies at home.

Peppermint industry of Moradabad facing tough competition from China

Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh), March 3: Peppermint industry of Moradabad is facing a tough competition from the Chinese market.

Over 60 children fall ill after eating midday meal in UP school

Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh), Sept. 28 : At least 60 children were taken ill after eating a mid-day meal served at a school in Behalolpur village in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad District.

The children, who are undergoing treatment at the district hospital, had started vomiting after having the meal.

D K Gupta, Chief Medical Superintendent, Moradabad District Hospital, said: "Around 61 children have been brought here on Thursday out of which 37 have been given saline water. All the children are better now," he said.