Girl astride a horse to woo the bridegroom

Moradabad, Oct. 16 : A girl in Moradabad recently created a ruckus of sorts here when she visited her fiancé’s house astride a horse, like an Indian bridegroom, to woo him to marry her.

Though it looked hilarious to many onlookers standing in the streets to watch a girl dressed as a bride but riding a horse as an Indian bridegroom, but Geeta’s side of the story gained public attention.

She complained that her marriage was called off after one year of engagement citing false allegations against her family by her ‘could be in laws’.

According to Geeta, her matrimonial alliance with the boy Sonu was agreed upon and even the date of marriage was finalised. But no sooner did the countdown began the boy backed out. Hence, she decided to visit boy’s place to woo him.

"Relatives of the boy visited our home twice to see me. On the third occasion, I refused to present myself before them. I have decided that either I will marry Sonu or else I will end my life here itself," said Geeta, the woud-be bride.

"All their family members came to see my daughter twice. Then they asked to see her for the third time that too when the marriage date was almost approaching. So I refused and few days later they said they don''t want to marry their son to our daughter as their son will marry his sister-in-law''s sister. Only then did my daughter decided to come here," says Bhagwati, mother of Geeta.

Sonu''s house is located in Civil Lines area of Moradabad.

Sonu’s family, however, says that they developed doubt over girl’s identity. And, the boy in contention wanted to verify the girl’s identity by meeting her personally at her house.

"These people have forcefully entered my house and are now asking for my son who is out on some work. How can I call him now? My son refused to marry her because when we were shown the girl''s photograph someone told that it was not the girl''s photograph. When my son went to see the girl, her mother refused to let him see her. That''s why we refused the marriage," said Nanhe Singh, Sonu’s father Such was Geeta’s determination to be wedded to Sonu that she landed with her suitcase and refused to budge from his abode.

A Samaritan informed the police. The parleys between the elder members of Geeta''s and Sonu''s families continued for 10 hours which was moderated by the local police inspector.

It was finally resolved that Sonu will be brought back to his home to marry Geeta as per the rituals. Police officials will oversee the wedding.

"We have discussed the whole matter and felt that if a promise was made to the girl, it is our duty that we should let it happen. We have decided that five days later she will be married to Sonu," said Vinod Kumar Sharma, Sub- Inspector, Civil Lines Police Station.

Once the police assured that the wedding will be solemnised in the next five days, Geeta agreed to return to her home.

Meanwhile, the cops are on their toes looking for the missing bridegroom. (ANI)
