
Iran, IAEA conclude talks in Tehran, outcome not yet known

Iran, IAEA conclude talks in Tehran, Tehran  - A visiting delegation from t

Indian minister to visit Pakistan for talks on gas pipeline

New Delhi  - India's oil minister Murli Deora was due to hold talks in Pakistan on a 7-billion-dollar Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, officials said Tuesday.

Iran, IAEA to continue talks on nuclear weapons claims

International Atomic Energy Agency Tehran - A visiting International Atomic E

IAEA official arrives in Tehran to probe nuclear weapons claims

International Atomic Energy Agency Olli HeinonenTeheran - Deputy

Iran won't have nuclear capability, Olmert says

Tel Aviv  -  Widespread international efforts against Iran's nuclear programme mean Tehran will not have nuclear capability, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in remarks published Thursday.

Iran president again raises doubts about September 11 attacks

Tehran  -  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday again raised doubts about the official US version of the September 11, 2001 suicide airplane attacks in the United States.
