
Illinois lawmakers approve a resolution to impeach Governor

Illinois lawmakers approve a resolution to impeach GovernorSpringfield (Illinois, US), Dec. 16: Lawmakers in Illinois have taken the first step towards activating impeachment proceedings against State Governor Rod Blagojevich, who has been accused of trying sell the Senate seat vacated by US President-elect Barack Obama.

Illinois lawmakers descended on the state capital of Springfield Monday to consider whether to hold a special election to fill Barack Obama''s vacant Senate seat.

Illinois Democrats reeling as Blagojevich scandal develops

Springfield (Illinois, US), Dec. 14 : Democrats in Illinois could face a fierce battle from Republicans if a special election is held after the fallout of the Blagojevich corruption scandal.

According to Fox News, the scandal surrounding Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has shocked political circles in Illinois, casting a spotlight not only on the state''s reputation for corruption but also potentially tainting the field of likely Democratic contenders for President-elect Barack Obama''s former Senate seat.

The most prominent name on that list of contenders, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., is literally facing howls of protests from some of his constituents.

Civil rights leader Jackson’s son denies seeking to buy Obama''s Senate seat

Civil rights leader Jackson’s son denies seeking to buy Obama''s Senate seatSpringfield (Illinois, US)/Washington, Dec. 11 : Jesse Jackson Junior, the son of the well known civil rights campaigner, Jesse Jackson Senior, has denied that he attempted to buy President-elect Barack Obama's vacated Senate seat from Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Jackson has emerged as the mysterious "Candidate 5" being implicated for attempting to purchase the seat

Call for special polls as Illinois Governor nailed in corruption probe

Springfield (Illinois0, Dec. 10 : Illinois Senator Dick Durbing has called on the State Legislature to call for a special election in the wake of the criminal complaint against Governor Rod Blagojevich that alleges that he basically sought to sell the senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

Urging the legislature to order the election, CBS quoted Senator Durbin as saying that anyone selected by appointment under the current circumstances would carry a cloud.

"No appointment by this governor, under these circumstances, could produce a credible replacement," he added.
