
Tsvangirai ''to enter power-sharing government'' with Mugabe

Tsvangirai ''to enter power-sharing government'' with MugabeHarare, Jan. 28 : Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has decided to enter the unity government with President Robert Mugabe, a senior advisor to the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader said on Tuesday night.

According to a report in The Telegraph, the move comes despite fears that Mugabe will use the arrangement to marginalise the MDC.

Deal? No deal? SADC's Zimbabwe "breakthrough" in doubt

Deal? No deal? SADC's Zimbabwe "breakthrough" in doubtHarare/Pretoria  - Zimbabweans reacted sceptically Tuesday to conflicting reports out of a Southern African summit about a possible breakthrough in the four-month standoff between President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

"It doesn't look good from here," said John Makumbe, a political scientist at the University of Harare in Zimbabwe. "It appears Tsvangirai came under extreme pressure to make concessions, and that there was minimal pressure on Mugabe.

Mugabe, Tsvangirai held secret meeting last week - state media

Mugabe, Tsvangirai held secret meeting last week - state media Harare  - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe acceded last week to a secret meeting with his rival, pro-democracy leader Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe state media reported Monday as meanwhile Southern African leaders were about to meet on the Zimbabwean crisis.

The Herald, controlled by Mugabe's ZANU(PF) party, said the meeting took place at Tsvangirai's request, and was held on Thursday at Zimbabwe House, one of Mugabe's official residences in central Harare.

Back to the drawing table - SADC leaders huddle again on Zimbabwe

Southern African Development Community (SADC) LogoHarare/Johannesburg - Southern African heads of state converged on South Africa' capital Pretoria Monday, in yet another attempt to eke a compromise from elderly Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and the country's opposition on a power-sharing agreement.

Monday's extraordinary summit of the 15-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC), which is being chaired by South African president and current SADC chairman Kgalema Motlanthe, is the bloc's third crisis summit on Zimbabwe in under a year.

Unintended effect of Zimbabwe dollarization - no change!

Unintended effect of Zimbabwe dollarization - no change!Harare  - At each till in a large supermarket in the upmarket Avondale suburb of Zimbabwe's capital Harare is a small, much-handled cardboard tray containing boiled sweets, boxes of matches and a few loose eggs.

Most customers in the queue are paying in US dollars. If the change for the purchases is less than one dollar, you can take a sweet, a matchbox or an egg, or a combination of them, in lieu of change in cents. Each egg is worth 50 cents, the matches 20 and a sweet 10 - approximately.

"No question" of boycotting new Zimbabwe summit: MDC

Zimbabwe Movement for Democratic ChangeHarare- Zimbabwe's pro-democracy Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) will attend next Monday's summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) meant to try to kick-start the stalled power-sharing deal between the country's political protagonists, the MDC said Tuesday.

The day after a 12-hour meeting in Harare failed to close the divide between the MDC and President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF on a unity government, MDC secretary general Tendai Biti said there was
