
Trigger-happy Aussies send most emails to wrong addresses

Sydney, Nov 26 : A new research has found that Australians are impulsive email users and oblivious to online etiquette.

Australia to hold referendum on bidding farewell to Queen

Sydney, Nov.26: Prime Minister Kevin RuddKevin Rudd’s taking over as the new Austr

Oz swimmer Ian Thorpe laments loss of squeaky-clean reputation

Ace Australian swimmer Ian ThorpeSydney, Nov.26: Ace Australian swimmer Ian

Australia's new PM-elect outlines his agenda for next 100 days

Sydney, Nov 25 : Australia's new Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd who led his Labor party to a convincing victory has outlined his soon-to-be-sworn-in-government's agenda for the next 100 days that

John Howard phones Rudd, concedes defeat

Sydney, Nov.24 : Prime Minister John Howard phoned Leader of Opposition and leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), Keven Rudd, a short while ago and conceded defeat in the country's general el

Lingerie firms’ female staff turn up in undies for Camisole day

Melbourne, Nov 24 : Female staff members of a sassy lingerie company actually turned up in their essentials to celebrate Camisole day.
