Prince Philip becomes the longest serving royal consort

Prince Philip becomes the longest serving royal consortLondon, Apr 18 : Prince Philip has become the longest serving royal consort in Britain after he took duties in 1952.

The Duke of Edinburgh''s became the consort on February 6, 1952, when his wife Princess Elizabeth was crowned as Queen.

And now, he has surpassed the record of 57 years and 70 days set by Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III.

Known for his aversion to any kind of fuss, the 87-year-old Duke is with the Queen at Windsor Castle this weekend, and has no planned official engagements.

The royal couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 2007, and went to a trip to Malta to mark the occasion, reports the BBC.

Shortly before his marriage to Princess Elizabeth in 1947, King George VI made Philip the Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich.

The Queen made him a Prince of the United Kingdom 10 years later. (ANI)
