Power shock: BEST moots 52% tariff hike

Public meet to discuss proposal on March 25

The Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) Undertaking has proposed an average tariff hike of 51.75% for consumers, excluding those from the below poverty line (BPL). The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission has to approve the proposal.

A public hearing to discuss the tariffs to be imposed on over 9.5 lakh consumers from the island city will be held at the World Trade Centre on March 25.

BEST has proposed an additional surcharge of 60paise per unit. The surcharge is to recover fuel adjustment charges (DNA, Nov 5, 2008).

This is the second increase in tariff that Mumbaikars will be subjected to within a year (April 2008-March 2009). 

From April to August the city faced an acute shortage of 600mw to 700mw daily. To ensure uninterrupted power, utilities in the city had purchased power at Rs10 to Rs12 per unit. 

There has been a substantial hike in fixed and energy charges. Standby charges have also been increased from 21paise to 26paise per unit. An expensive power charge will be levied at 2.62paise per unit on consumers, except for those whose monthly consumption is less than 300 units. The expensive charge was 23paise to 68paise per unit, depending on consumption levels.

Shwetaa Karnik/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication