Poland allots million zloty for help in fire that killed 22 - Summary

Poland allots million zloty for help in fire that killed 22 - Summary Warsaw - Poland's government will allot one million zloty (305,269 dollars) to aid families and survivors of a fire that killed 22 people and injured 20, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Tuesday. Poland will also build a new facility for those left homeless by the blaze that struck a hostel for the homeless in the early hours of Monday. A seven-person commission was investigating the cause.

Polish police on Tuesday were searching for a teenage girl who went missing from hospital following the fire. She was reported missing Monday afternoon, reported the Polish Press Agency PAP.

The teenager might have wandered off in shock, reported Polish Radio, as her entire family died in the flames.

Police Tuesday were also searching for one hostel resident thought to be dead.

In total 77 people were registered in the hostel in the Baltic Sea coastal town of Kamien Pomorski, around 500 kilometres north-west of Warsaw.

Witnesses said a number of hostel residents were injured when they jumped from windows to escape the blaze.

An eight-month-old baby among the injured was transferred Tuesday to the intensive care unit and connected to a respirator, PAP reported.(dpa)

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