Thabo Mbeki

South Africa wakes up to changed order - Mbeki swansong awaited

Johannesburg - South African President Thabo Mbeki was due to officially announce his impending resignation later Sunday in an address to the nation, a day after his African National Congress dramatically demanded he step down seven months before the end of his second term.

Mbeki's address will follow a meeting of his cabinet to discuss his recall by the ANC over a court finding of political interference in the prosecution of his arch-foe, ANC leader Jacob Zuma.

The Pietermaritzburg High Court last week, in setting aside corruption and fraud charges against Zuma on a technicality, said the case against Zuma had the "ring of the works of (Czech author Franz) Kafka" about it and implied Mbeki had a hand.

South Africa's Mbeki agrees to resign: spokesman

Thabo MbekiJohannesburg- South African President Thabo Mbeki will comply with a request from hi

South Africa in turmoil after ANC calls on Mbeki to resign

Thabo MbekiJohannesburg  - South Africa was thrown into turmoil Sunday after the governing African National Congress (ANC) called on President Thabo Mbeki on Saturday to resign over evidence of political interference in a case against ANC leader Jacob Zuma.

The ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe told reporters the party's National Executive Committee had "decided to recall the president of the republic before his term of office expires".

Mbeki, who is in the final months of his second five-year term as president, has yet to indicate whether he is ready to accede to their demand.

Fulsome praise for Mbeki for clinching Zimbabwe unity deal

Harare/Johannesburg - South African President Thabo MbekiSouth African President Thabo Mbeki was the man of the hour in Africa Friday after clinching a hard-won power-sharing deal between Zimbabwe's rivals of nearly a decade - President Robert Mugabe and Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

Welcoming Thursday's agreement on the formation of a government of national unity, the details of which have yet to be released, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon praised Mbeki's "tireless efforts to help them (the Zimbabwean leaders) reach it."

Thabo Mbeki brings new proposals to Zimbabwe talks: report

Harare - Thabo Mbeki brings new proposals to Zimbabwe talks: reportSouth African President Thabo Mbeki, regionally- appointed mediator in crisis negotiations between Zimbabwe's political parties, has brought new proposals to just-resumed talks, Zimbabwean state media reported Tuesday.

Talks resumed in Harare on Monday after three weeks of deadlock, with President Robert Mugabe, whose Zanu-PF party has ruled the country for 28 years, and Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change which has a majority in parliament, each refusing to budge over which man should wield overall authority.

Mbeki returns to Harare to revive Zimbabwe unity talks

Thabo MbekiHarare - Talks between Zimbabwe's parties on a power-sharing government were due to resume Monday as South African President Thabo Mbeki flew to Harare to broker fresh negotiations between President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF and Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

Mbeki's office confirmed to South African media that he was on his way to Zimbabwe to try to breathe new life into the talks that have foundered over how Mugabe and Tsvangirai would share power in a unity government.

The MDC said at the weekend the issue was a matter for a new interim constitution.
