Steve Irwin

No Oz buyers for Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin’s bronze statue

No Oz buyers for Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin’s bronze statueMelbourne, Apr 9 : Late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin's bronze statue has failed to interest any buyers in Australia, and it now seems fated to be sold off overseas.

The statue, made by controversial sculptor Mitch Mitchell, will now be offered to Oprah Winfrey and the Discovery Channel to see whether they are interested in buying it.

Mitchell, who is at the centre of an Easter row over his sculpture of a naked young woman on a crucifix, was left bewildered by the lack of Aussie interest in the statue.

Steve Irwin''s widow claims she’s not looking for love

Terri IrwinMelbourne, Nov 15 : Two years after crocodile hunter Steve Irwin’s death, his widow Terri has said that she’s not looking for love and wants to keep it that way.

The 44-year-old lost her husband on Sept 4, 2006, in a freak accident with a stingray barb flying into his heart as he filmed on Batt Reef off Port Douglas, north Queensland.

"Right after I lost Steve I didn''t care about anything. It was like ''I don''t care if I ever eat again. I don''t care if I ever sleep again,''” Courier Mail quoted her as saying.

Irwin feud mystery over Australia Zoo intensifies

Steve Irwin Brisbane, Mar 1 : The alleged family feud between naturalist Terry

Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo wins top tourism award

Sydney, November 12: Late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo has won Queensland's top tourism award.

The wildlife park was named Queensland's major tourist attraction at the 2007 Queensland Tourism Awards in Townsville last night.

Created in 1992, the zoo is presently run by Irwin’s widow Terri.

Queensland Tourism Minister Desley Boyle termed the zoo “market leader” in the State's tourism industry.

"Australia Zoo has become an iconic attraction that has always looked to the future by incorporating new attractions, " quoted her as saying.