Sarah Palin

Republican Palin energizing women voters

Republican Palin energizing women votersFairfax, Virginia - The crowd burst into cheers of "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" as the Republican candidate for vice president waved alongside presidential nominee John McCain and their spouses.

If Senator McCain meant to excite the conservative basis of his centre-right party by naming Sarah Palin as his running mate, his decision was vindicated by the reaction from the red, white and blue- clad crowd at a campaign stop in Fairfax, Virginia, one week after the obscure Alaska governor's landmark convention speech to introduce herself to Republicans and the nation.

`Pastor problem’ may haunt Palin in race for White House

Washington, Sept. 10 : Pastors or, should we say former pastors, don’t seem to gell with either the Republican camp or the rival Democratic campaign.

If Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama had a problem with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who claimed that the 9/11 attacks were a case of “America’s chickens coming home to roost”, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s former pastor at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church, has generated fresh controversy by saying that he sees powerful signs that the end of the world is close.

Palin energizing American women from all walks of life

Sarah PalinWashington, Sept. 10 : Since her rapid transition from an obscure Alaska governor to Republican vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin has reenergized the presidential race and further polarized it. According to the Washington Post, women who are "fed up with a man''s world," see in Palin a ray of hope about what they would want their futures to be.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Palin has also mobilized liberal women, claims the paper.

McCain-Palin focus on gut feelings rather than issues could be dangerous: Critics

John McCain, Sarah PalinNew York, Sept. 10 : The selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate has ensured a two-point lead for Republican presidential nominee for Senator John McCain over Democratic rival Barack Obama, according to a new CBS poll.

But there is another side to this story. The Republicans are seeking to project the view that this year’s presidential elections will not be about issues, but about Americans voting on the basis of gut instinct, a view Democrats and others would be shy of accepting.

Palin used federal funds which she said she never took

Sarah PalinNew York, Sept. 10 : Republican vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been criticized for claiming that she turned down federal earmark spending for the "bridge to nowhere" in her native Alaska.

"I told Congress ''thanks but no thanks,'' to that bridge to nowhere," Palin has said over and over on the campaign trail.

But according to the Obama campaign, Palin never rebuffed Congress.

The facts according to a CBS report are as follows:

Palin is Brit and Irish in origin

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah PalinLondon, Sept. 10 : Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is of British origin.

According to The Sun, her family tree can be traced back to 18th century Norwich.

Historians revealed on Tuesday that Palin’s great, great, great, great, great grandfather Robert Gower was baptized in the Norfolk city in 1723.

According to ancestry. co. uk, Gower, who is from her mum’s side of the family, then left for the United States in the 18th Century, and his son James was born in Maine.
