Pervez Musharraf

Asif Ali Zardari says Pervez Musharraf now a guest of a few days only

LahorePervez Musharraf and Asif Ali Zardari, Aug 13: PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has reportedly said that President Pervez Musharraf was “a guest for a few days”, and that the new Pakistani president will be elected after consultation with all the parties in the ruling coalition.

“As soon as the new President of Pakistan takes oath, he will abolish Article 58(2b) of the Constitution,” the Daily Times quoted Zardari as saying in an interview a TV channel here last evening.

Foreign friends busy to ensure ''''safe passage'''' for Musharraf

Foreign friends busy to ensure ''''safe passage'''' for MusharrafIslamabad, Aug. 12 : The main guarantors of the Musharraf-Benazir deal have reportedly stepped up their efforts to ensure ‘safe passage’ for Musharraf.

Mark Lyall Grant, former British High Commissioner in Pakistan and currently Director General, Political Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, reached Islamabad Monday evening to have a first hand knowledge of the grave political crisis and to meet the President and top leaders of Pakistan’s ruling alliance.

Musharrarf may invoke Art 58 (2b) or challenge Shahbaz’s CMship to save himself

Pakistan People''s Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Islamabad, Aug 12 : Amid the impending Impeachment Motion against him, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf is said to be toying with the ideas like invoking Article 58 (2b) to dissolve the Assemblies or using the PCO courts to challenge Shahbaz Sharif’s election as MPA and Punjab chief minister, in order to counter the ruling coalition’s move. He may also simultaneously use the Supreme Court to repeal the NRO.

Pakistani provincial assembly passes resolution against Musharraf

Pakistani provincial assembly passes resolution against Musharraf Islamabad  - Legislators in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) on Tuesday passed a no-trust resolution against President Pervez Musharraf, who stands on the brink of impeachment over accusations of misconduct.

The move came a day after the assembly in the most populous province of Punjab demanded the embattled leader seek a confidence vote from the presidential electoral college or face trial.

NWFP Assembly passes no-trust resolution against Musharraf

NWFP Assembly passes no-trust resolution against MusharrafPeshawar, Aug 12 : The NWFP Assembly today passed a resolution of no-confidence against President Pervez Musharraf, who is to soon face impeachment motion from the ruling PPP-led coalition.

A total of 107 votes supported the resolution whereas only four went against it, while 13 members abstained from voting, reported The News.

The NWFP Assembly comprises of 124 members.

Earlier, NWFP senior minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour presented the resolution and the members chanted ‘Go Musharraf Go’.

Foreign diplomats ‘keenly watching’ Musharraf’s impeachment process

Foreign diplomats ‘keenly watching’ Musharraf’s impeachment processIslamabad, Aug 12: Foreign diplomats posted in Islamabad have said that the ongoing development in Islamabad (Musharraf’s impeachment) was an internal matter of Pakistan and that their respective countries won’t interfere in it.

The diplomats also said they were “keenly watching” the impeachment process and regularly reporting back to their capitals due to “huge” interest in the future of Musharraf.
