Omar bin Laden

Osama’s son may be considering a move to New Zealand

Melbourne, Nov 10 : Osama bin Laden’s son may be considering a move to New Zealand after being refused entry to Spain and Britain.

New Zealand immigration officials refused to comment on reports that the son of Osama may be considering a move, news. com. au reported.

The Saudi-born 27-year-old is one of the 19 children of the infamous fugitive founder of the al-Qaeda terror group.

His British-born wife, Zaina al Sabah, has been reported as saying the couple wanted to go to New Zealand.

Immigration New Zealand said today it did not comment on individual cases and could not confirm whether Mr bin Laden had applied for a visa, the New Zealand Press Association reports.

Spain officially opts against asylum for bin Laden son

Omar bin LadenMadrid- Spanish officials have formally rejected an ap

Spain rejects bin Laden son's asylum request

Omar bin LadenMadrid  - The Spanish Interior Ministry has rejected a request for political asylum by Omar bin Laden, son of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, media reported Thursday.

The 28-year-old had argued that he did not feel safe in any Arab country.

Spain based its rejection partly on a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Interior Ministry sources were quoted as saying.

The report said there was no evidence that bin Laden's life was in danger in Saudi Arabia, which he is a citizen of, according to the daily El Pais.

Spain rejects bin Laden son's asylum request

Omar bin LadenMadrid - The Spanish Interior Ministry has rejected a request for political asylum by Omar bin Laden, one of the 19 children of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, media reported Thursday.

The 27-year-old son of Osama bin Laden had argued that he did not feel safe in any Arab country.

Spain based its rejection partly on a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Interior Ministry sources were quoted as saying.

Spain expected to reject bin Laden son's asylum request

Omar bin LadenMadrid - Spain is likely to reject an application for political asylum lodged by Omar bin Laden, one of the 19 children of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the daily El Pais reported Wednesday.

Omar bin Laden, 27, requested asylum at Madrid airport on Monday.

His plane made a stopover in Madrid while flying from Cairo to Casablanca in Morocco.

Bin Laden argued that he did not feel safe in Saudi Arabia, which he is a citizen of, or in Egypt, where he lives, or in any other Arab country.

Bin Laden's son seeks political asylum in Spain

Madrid - Omar Osama bin Laden, 27, one of the 19 children of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, has sought political asylum in Spain, Interior Ministry sources said Tuesday.