Mel Gibson

Gibson’s Russian lover’s racy lingerie pics surface online

Gibson’s Russian lover’s racy lingerie pics surface onlineWashington, Apr 24 : Mel Gibson's alleged lover Oksana Grigorieva's racy new photos have surfaced on the web.

Sizzling photos of Oksana, who's the mother of former `James Bond' star Timothy Dalton''s son, have surfaced on gossip site Radaronline. com.

Grigorieva has been held responsible for breaking Gibson's 28 years of marriage with Robyn, after she was allegedly photographed embracing him in Costa Rica earlier this year, reports Fox News.

Gibson’s lawyers tell his Russian lover to shut up

Gibson’s lawyers tell his Russian lover to shut upLondon, Apr 23 : Hollywood actor Mel Gibson's lawyers have silenced Russian pop star Oksana Pochepa from speaking out about their relationship until divorce settlement.

The 24-year-old singer said they feared an affair could cost the actor a fortune in his 640-million pound divorce.

However, she refused to deny a relationship with the Braveheart star, or pregnancy rumours.

"Until Mel and his wife Robyn settle their relations, no one has the right to speak about this," the Sun quoted Pochepa as saying.

Gibson’s Russian lover keeps a sex diary

Gibson’s Russian lover keeps a sex diaryLondon, Apr 21 : Russian popstar Oksana Pochepa, who claims to be Mel Gibson's lover, maintains a sex diary to record how often she has slept with guys.

The 24-year-old beauty even rates all her men as to how well they satisfied her.

"She once showed me the diary and I could barely believe it," the Sun quoted a pal as saying.

"Sex is the main thing for her," the pal added.

Pochepa says she is smitten by the 53-year-old actor and hopes their love is "strong and long-lasting".

Is Gibson''s Costa Rican girl Timothy Dalton’s ex?

Is Gibson''s Costa Rican girl Timothy Dalton’s ex?Melbourne, Apr 17 (ANI): Rumours are abuzz that the mystery girl spotted hanging out with Mel Gibson on the beach in Costa Rica is actually opera singer Oksana Grigorieva, the former partner of James Bond actor Timothy Dalton.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, she had been waiting for Gibson to finalise his divorce from wife Robyn so they could be together.

However, Grigorieva''s publicist Victor Kruglov said he was not aware of any relationship, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Gibson’s Russian lover ‘caught’ topless on net

Gibson’s Russian lover ‘caught’ topless on netWashington, Apr 17 : Hollywood actor Mel Gibson's new Russian lover doesn't shy away from stripping off onscreen.

Some of the Internet videos shows pop singer Oksana Popchepa either topless or in school uniform throughout, reports the Sun.

The 24-year-old singer has been dubbed as Russia''s Britney Spears.

Meanwhile, Pochepa has admitted she was the girl photographed frolicking with Gibson on a beach, and adds she has fallen for the actor.

She hopes their love is "strong and long-lasting".

Mel Gibson hangs out with new babe in Costa Rica

Mel Gibson hangs out with new babe in Costa RicaWashington, Apr 16 : Just a day after filing for divorce, Hollywood actor Mel Gibson was spotted enjoying a day out with a mystery woman in Costa Rica.

The 53-year-old actor was seen walking barefoot on the beach with a half-unbuttoned shirt while he joked around with his blonde female pal.

At one point, he sticked his tongue out at the woman as she laughed.

"Mel was laughing and joking. He did not look at all worried or concerned," Usmagazine quoted an onlooker as telling Extra.
