Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan’s Facebook account disabled ‘for being fake’

Lindsay Lohan’s Facebook account disabled ‘for being fake’Melbourne, December 3 : Lindsay Lohan has been blocked from logging into her own Facebook account after the site’s administrator thought its user was ‘fake.’

The actress-singer revealed to her My Space fans that she was ‘shocked’ after she read the reason for the disabled sign-in process, reports News. com. au.

No buyers for dolls modelled on Lindsay Lohan

No buyers for dolls modelled on Lindsay LohanLondon, November 30 : It seems that Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan’s popularity is on the wane, for dolls modelled on her are struggling to find buyers.

Toy importer Mattle Inc. has reduced the price of the doll from 24.99 dollars to just 4.99 dollars, but the toys are still not selling.

The Lindsay Lohan doll comes with accessories including a director’s chair, velvet rope, a mobile phone, fake-fur coat, shoes, and bags.

Author names Lindsay top ‘Celebrity Love Junkie’ in book

Lindsay LohanNew York, Nov 28 : Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and Amy Winehouse are the ultimate ‘Celebrity Love Junkies’, according to Rachel Resnick, author of ‘Love Junkie: A Memoir’.

Lohan, who has topped Resnick’s list, is followed by Jolie and Winehouse, reports the New York Post.

Resnick, who writes of love and sex addiction in her new book, has also mentioned Marc Jacobs, David Duchovny and Bill Clinton.

Lindsay ‘caught’ sneaking Gray Goose vodka in Red Bull on video

LIndsay LohanMelbourne, November 25 : Lindsay Lohan was reportedly caught sneaking Gray Goose Vodka in a glass and mixing it with Red Bull in a security video.

The video has sparked rumours that the actress is back to drinking again.

The singer-actress, who is known for her heavy partying and has checked into rehab several times for her alcohol and drug addiction, was reportedly spotted with a vodka bottle in a dark corner at a nightclub, report the Daily Telegraph.

The ‘Mean Girls’ star is rumoured to have taken back the bottle following a dispute with her girl lover Samantha Ronson.

Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson’s relationship on the rocks?

London, Nov 23 : Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson’s relationship seems to have it a rough patch following their public bust-up at a Dubai club.

Lindsay Lohan refuses to quit blogging to prove she’s not ‘empty’

London, Nov 23 : Lindsay Lohan won’t give up her online blogging - because she does not want people to think that she''s "empty".

The actress has made use of her MySpace. com blog as a political and personal platform, alluding to her relationship with girlfriend Samantha Ronson and slamming U. S. politics in recent months.

And the ‘Mean Girls’ star refuses to quit blogging, despite the onslaught of press attention she''s received for her controversial remarks.

“There''s a person in here. And I have feelings too, whether it''s about politics, the person I''m seeing, the person I''m not seeing,” the Daily Star quoted Lohan, as saying.
