Francisco Franco

General Franco feared Hitler would kidnap him to force Spain into WW II, says daughter

London, November 28: Spanish leader General Francisco Franco’s daughter has revealed that her father feared that Adolf Hitler would kidnap him to force Spain into the Second World War.

Carmen Franco Polo, 82, said that her father had even nominated three substitutes to assume power at a conference in 1940, just in case he was actually abducted by the Nazi leader.

She has written about her life with El Caudillo in her book ‘Franco, My Father’, published in Spain on Friday.

The only daughter of General Franco, who ruled Spain for about four decades, also reveals that her father ordered troop reinforcements to the coast at the end of the Second World War because he believed that the Allies would invade his country.

Spain to grant first official recognition to Franco's victims

Spain to grant first official recognition to Franco's victims Madrid - The Spanish government approved four decrees on Friday aimed at recognizing the suffering of the leftist victims of the 1936-39 civil war and the subsequent dictatorship of General Francisco Franco.

Those jailed, tortured or forced to work in labour camps, their relatives, or relatives of executed people will be able to apply for a document which gives them no monetary rights, but constitutes the first official recognition of their status as victims.