Palin taking a bigger beating because she''s a Republican woman
New York, Oct. 6 : Television jurors have started delivering their verdicts on vice-presidential candidates, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden after their one and only debate last week.
Palin, it seems, is taking a bigger beating than Biden because she is a woman and a Republican.
The jurors start with the fact that Palin is only the second woman to be on a major-party national ticket. She is the first who would take office as the mother of five children, the oldest being 19.
They say that history in the 2008 campaign is happening in mind-numbing sort of way. The changes are taking place very fast.
The jurors say that it was unthinkable till two years ago that America would elect a black President. Now, it''s very likely, as Barack Obama has seized the momentum 30 days from the election.
They also claim that there is a bias for Republicans, as it is the only socially acceptable prejudice remaining among many educated people today. (ANI)