Pakistanis say no to army involvement in politics

Public support for the PakistanisPakistan Army’s involvement in the politics of the country has plummeted by over seven per cent in just two months, according to a survey conducted on behalf of the International Republican Institute (IRI).

As many as 62 percent of people believe that the Pakistan Army should have no role to play in politics, compared with 55 per cent in June, the nationwide public opinion survey conducted by a Pakistani organisation on behalf of the IRI has revealed.

The poll, which was conducted in the first week of September, shows that 70 per cent of the respondents look favourably upon the army down from the standard 80 percent in previous surveys conducted in September 2006 and March and June 2007.

The most admired institution in the country is the media, which received an approval rating of 80 per cent, while the standing of the judiciary rose from 51 percent in March to 77 per cent in September, the first time any institution rated more favourably than the army.

The approval rating for the Musharraf regime stood at a very poor 24 per cent, while police had the lowest approval rating at 13 per cent, and the opposition as a whole had a favourable rating of 46 per cent, the Daily Times reported.

Among other significant findings in the poll, 76 per cent of Pakistanis wanted General Pervez Musharraf to doff his uniform, 83 per cent opposed the proclamation of the state of emergency and 73 per cent believe Pakistan is now heading towards the wrong direction. (ANI)

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