Zapak Unveils ‘Gameplex’ In Mumbai At I-Max Wadala

Zapak GameplexZapak Digital Entertainment has made an announcement about the launch of its first Zapak Gameplex at I-Max Wadala in Mumbai.
Zapak has already introduced gameplexes in various other cities including Chandigarh, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Pune, Jaipur, Indore and New Delhi.

The company said that the Mumbai centre would provide a platform to gamers for playing the most recent games, and they would also be capable of purchasing fresh gaming machines as well as other hardware.

Zapak also said that it will offer the same ambiance at ‘Zapak Live’ event.

Zapak Live event is a three day gaming contest, held between Dec 21st and Dec 23rd, at the "Times Gizmos and Mobiles Show" to be held at World Trade Center in Mumbai.

Those interested in participating in ‘Zapak Live’ event can register their names at

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