Football team’s relegation is man’s greatest fear!

London, Nov 1 : Man’s greatest fear has finally been revealed – and it has nothing to do with marriage – it’s the relegation of their football team.

That’ the conclusion of a new survey, which found that Brit blokes are more scared of their football team being relegated than marriage. 

Forty per cent of the males surveyed said the thought of their team being demoted gave them the most sleepless nights.

While 34 per cent said that the prospect of proposing gave them the creeps, reports the Daily Star.

And bee-hived songstress Amy Winehouse was voted more alarming than parachuting from a plane.

Meeting the girlfriend''s parents made number eight and being rejected by a girl was at number five.

Large insects came last in the poll by men''s magazine NUTS.

Brit men’s Top Ten Fears:

1 Football team being relegated

2 Proposing to girlfriend

3 Losing looks/hair/ageing

4 Being made to look stupid in front of mates

5 Being rejected when asking a girl on a date

6 Small children and babies

7 Amy Winehouse

8 Meeting girlfriend’s parents

9 Free falling

10 Large insects (ANI)
