India to have a manned lunar mission by 2015

It was the very first attempt from Indian side to commence a lunar mission, and with the successful launch of Chandrayan I, the nation aims for more. It has been revealed that the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will now work to have a manned lunar mission that can take place by 2015. With the unmanned spacecraft launched, India now becomes one of the six nations to send its spaceship to the moon’s orbit. The other five are U.S., former Soviet Union, European Space Agency, China and Japan.

The ISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair said, “We are looking how we can design a capsule, which can carry two astronauts onboard a GSLV rocket. This is a very complex and challenging task, first of all to conceive a module, which can predict the condition of human life in space.” He admitted that it is a big challenge as astronaut selection, their training and safety standards are major issues to be taken care of. He also said that a project report has been prepared and cleared by the State commission yet government’s consent has to be sought for. In the report a manned mission is planned before 2015.

The Chairman said that it will be totally ISRO’s effort and do not propose to seek help from the countries who’ve already had experience in this area, “However if there is any scope for meaningful collaboration, we will consider it.” The Indian Government has already given a green signal for the launch of Chandrayaan-2 between 2010 and 2015 which will consist of a rover capable of landing on moon.

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