Connection Between ED And Heart Attack

Connection Between ED And Heart AttackDr Geoffrey Hackett from the Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham said that erectile dysfunction is not taken seriously despite the fact that erectile dysfunction is the best predictor of cardiovascular risk in men.

ED gives a two to three year early warning of a heart attack. Erectile dysfunction is a symptom of vascular disease in the smaller arteries, doubles the risk of heart disease, a risk equivalent to being a moderate smoker or having an immediate family history of heart disease.

He added that erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetes has been shown to be a better predictor of the risk of heart disease than high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

He said, “Continuing to ignore these issues on the basis that cardiologists feel uncomfortable mentioning the word ”erection” to their patients or that they may have to deal with the management of a positive response, is no longer acceptable and possibly, based on current evidence, clinically negligent,”

He added the link between erectile dysfunction and the risk of heart disease is being ignored by doctors.