Sugar Makes People Sweeter – A Study
A new research done by researchers from Amsterdam University and Florida State University discovered that sugar can make a person sweeter.
This interesting discovery suggests that sweet drinks give people a sugar rush, which supplies the brain with the fuel required to suppress frank opinions.
The researchers said, “The findings suggest a link between glucose levels and the expression of prejudice and the use of stereotypes.”
“People with lower glucose levels are more likely to use stereotypes when describing others and, if they are high in prejudice, are more likely to make derogatory statements,” they said.
To reach their conclusion, the study researchers recruited a group of pupils and divided them in two groups. One group was given lemonade with sugar, and the other group received lemonade with calorie-free versions with an artificial sweetener.
The students were then shown a photo of a young buck said to be gay, named Sammy, and asked to write for five minutes about his typical day.
Using a list of 58 stereotypes related with gay men, the study scientists then considered the number of times they were written.
The researchers found that those who had consumed the sugary drink used too less stereotypes in their essays than those who had drunk the artificial sweetener.
"People with lower glucose levels are more likely to use stereotypes when describing others and, if they are high in prejudice, are more likely to make derogatory statements," the researchers suggested.