Madrid to remove "human ads" from city centre

Madrid - Spain's capital Madrid will ban the "human ads" that had become one of the colourful features of the city centre, press reports said Friday.

An estimated 30 people walk around, mainly near the Puerta del Sol square, wearing placards on their chests and backs.

The placards advertise pawn shops, with the text "I buy gold," tattoo shops, and the like.

Using people as advertising supports violated their "dignity," mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon said. The ban was expected to enter into force in early 2009.

The human ads themselves, however, did not appreciate the city council's zeal to protect their dignity.

"It is more degrading not to have anything to eat. If Mr Mayor gives me another job, I'll be happy to leave this one," said Venezuelan immigrant Armando, 51.

The human ads can earn up to 900 euros (1,200 dollars) a month, reports said. (dpa)
