What the future holds: Software for amateur astrologists

Hamburg - For centuries, astrologers studied celestial constellations in a bid to unravel the future. Thanks to modern technology, a glance at your computer screen suffices nowadays.

Beginners can check Astrology 2008 from Rondomedia publishing. Users enter the date, their location and, when possible, the exact time of their birth. Within minutes, the software performs its calculations.

The resulting graphic might not make much sense, but the program is accompanied by texts with more detailed data about personality, the future and relationships as well as finances and career. Charts are available showing on which days the signs are good and bad for love and emotions, strength, professional success and financial business.

An accompanying glossary details the history of astrology. That knowledge can quickly be put to the test in a memory game bundled with the software in which players match astrological symbols with the correct descriptions. Horoscopes of famous people, like Henry Maske or Bill Gates are also available for perusal. The basic program costs around 15 euros (22.22 dollars).

More advanced astrologers might want to consider Astro Star 4.0 from the Munich-based publisher USM. This program also provides graphics showing a person's horoscope, based on the data entered. Another window shows an astro-transit clock, which highlights the current array of planets, houses, ascendancies and medium coeli. More detailed information about users is available under topics such as partners, future, career and money and the right partner.

But the program does more than focus on the quest for the right partner. It can generate a range of different horoscopes, including lunar horoscopes, the horoscope of the moment, or the year's horoscope. The program costs around 70 euros in stores.

USM also offers a program called Mondkalendar (Moon Calendar), which tries to balance a person's life with the rhythm of nature. According to the program, certain activities should only be performed at a time which is set by the moon calendar.

The software can also be used to determine a person's biorhythm, which shows peak times for physical, spiritual and mental exertion. The program costs about 20 euros.

But you don't have to limit your star gazing to your personal computer. "Astrology & Horoscope Pro 1.2 from pdassi tun allows you to check your horoscope on most Palm handheld devices. The program analyzes horoscopes and relationships.

The English-language program can be downloaded from http://pdassi.de/product.php.prod_id=30218&xsearch=astrologie and installed on a handheld device via a HotSync procedure. It costs around 16.95 euros. (dpa)

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