Heart Patients More Vulnerable To Depression

In a recent research, doctors from the American Heart Association have found an Heart Patients More Vulnerable To Depression association between heart disease and depression. Researchers found that people who have experienced a heart attack or suffered bypass are more likely to be depressed. According to statistics, more than 80 million people in the US suffer some form of heart disease. In the research report, researchers have urged medical experts to check signs of depression in patients suffering from heart diseases. Presence of depression along heart disease could be deadly as depression leads to negative attitude towards life which destroys inner will of patients to get well.

In the present research, researchers analyzed the data collected during various studies done on the problems related to heart. Analysis of data showed that chances of depression are three times more common in patients who have suffered a heart attack or who suffered bypass surgery as compared to the general population. Researchers believe that the risk of depression could be higher among female heart patients. Reasons behind this association are not clear yet. It is also not clear whether heart conditions can cause depression or not. But the relationship between health of mind and body had been established long time ago.

Researchers recommended that patients, who have been hospitalized for these problems or for unstable angina or angioplasty, should be checked for signs of depression. 
