Musharraf might live rest of his life in New Mexico?

Musharraf might live rest of his life in New Mexico?Washington, Aug 21 : If a Pakistan author of a new book on the Pakistan Army is to be believed, former president Pervez Musharraf might leave for New Mexico in the US to lead his post-retirement life.

Shuja Nawaz, the author, said that after talking to several key personalities he had gathered that Musharraf had plans to shift to New Mexico.

“This is my understanding, based on conversations with people in Pakistan, that he’s likely to leave the country, and that a possible immediate destination may be Dubai, and then eventually may be New Mexico in the United States,” the Daily Times quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, Musharraf refuted reports of him leaving the country and reiterated that he had no plans to move out of the country and would live in his home country. He said that he was spending a relaxed time with family members, especially his mother, and playing tennis.

“I am spending time with my family, especially with my mother. I am playing tennis and enjoying it thoroughly. I am not going anywhere and all this talk of me leaving is rubbish,” a few PPP leader who visited him on Tuesday quoted him as saying.

Over the past few days, especially after his resignation on Monday, speculations have been rife about Musharraf’s plans to flee the country and lead a peaceful and secure life in some other country as extremist elements have been baying for his blood for acting on US’ directions and launching attacks such as on Lal Masjid killing hundreds of extremist elements. Moreover, Nawaz Sharif, whose government he toppled on October 12, 1999, might also be having revengeful feelings towards him.

Media reports suggested that he may lead a life-in-exile in Saudi Arabia or America, but later both the countries denied giving him a refuge. Finally, a couple of days earlier, the US said that it might consider his asylum application. (ANI)
