Indian Firms May Outdo Western Companies In Acquisitions: KPMG
A new study by the researchers from KMPG has supported the fact that the Indian companies will soon take over inward investments through the outward deals and thus outdo Western firms in acquisitions and mergers.
The study also revealed that Indian firms have been making name since last five years as they made 322 deals in the countries like US and Europe, while the inward investors have swallowed 340 Indian firms.
Ian Gomes who is the chairman of KPMG’s new and emerging markets practice in the UK has predicted in the report published in ‘The Observer’ that a number of inward investments will be taken over through outward deals from India.
He further added, “This is testament to the growing power of the Indian corporate base. When everyone is talking about the credit crunch and sovereign wealth funds, Indian trade buyers have continued doing what they've done for years. They are now serious players on the world scene."
The man also warned that the Indian powerhouse is not immune from the global slowdown.
For the first half of the year 2008, the figures have revealed that India has bought 50 companies in developed countries.