Breastfeeding Can Save Children From Heart Diseases
All medical experts have recommended that mothers should breastfeed their babies for at least six months.
The recent research by UK researchers suggested that babies who are breastfed have lower cholesterol levels in later life.
This research also showed that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer in nursing mothers.
Researchers from St George’s, University of London analyzed the data collected from over 17,000 adults. The study showed that people who were breastfeed had lower level of cholesterol. Of these, 4,608 had been given formula as an infant while 12,890 were breastfed.
Adults who had been breastfed had a lower overall total blood cholesterol level as compared to those who were given formula.
The meta-analysis is being published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Dr. Chris Owen, Epidemiologist at St George’’s, University of London, said, “The paper concludes that initial breastfeeding, particularly when exclusive, is associated with lower blood cholesterol concentrations in later life, compared to initial formula feeding.”
Moreover, the study also showed that breastfeeding also cuts the risk of contracting coronary artery disease.
“This study provides further evidence that breast-feeding has long-term health benefits. Apart from all its other effects, it appears to lower blood cholesterol in later life,” Dr. Owen said.
"The results also suggest that formula feeds should match the context of breast milk as closely as possible - any attempt to reduce the fat content of formula feeds could be counter-productive."