Nokia to acquire 52 percent Symbian Shares

Nokia's announcement about acquiring all available shares of Symbian, the Nokia to acquire 52 percent Symbian Sharesworld's leading mobile platform, has come up as a surprise and is being referred to as a power packed move which will create a huge gap betwenn Nokia and its competitors.

The Symbian Operating system was released by Symbian Ltd to symplify the transition of PDA features onto the mobile phones.

The available 52 percent shares have been purchased by Nokia for a whooping $410 million at a price of EUR 3.647 per share. Now 56.3 percent of Symbian Ltd. is owned by Nokia.

Nokia and the other shareholder companies such as Ericsson, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic and Samsung, have agreed upon a plan where the New open source Symbian OS will be offered under a royalty-free license to all members of the nonprofit Symbian Foundation group founded by Nokia.

This foundation is aimed at providing new innovative serivces and irresistible experiences for the consumers and business users around the world.

Symbian's Nigel Clifford says that Symbian has been working in a very focused mobile-oriented environment and they are aware of the needs of mobile manufacturers.

Now it is possbile that the consumers might see some price-cuts in the already expensive operating sysmtes available in the market such as Windows Mobile. But the fact is that Symbian is the most widely used mobile platform in the world and it will be tougher for the competitors to remain in competition.

The Symbian foundation is expected to start its operations during the first half of 2009 as soon as the Nokia acquisition closes.