Brit women’s take on breasts more generous than their US counterparts

Melbourne, June 5 : When it comes to breast size, British women have a complete different take on it than their American counterparts.

In the UK, boob reductions are among the Top 5 most popular procedures by plastic surgeons - quite unlike the American women.

In both countries, breast augmentation is the number one surgical procedure for cosmetic doctors, but in the United States a survey of physicians found relatively few breast reductions, reports brisbanetimes. com. au.

A recent survey of members of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons revealed that doctors perform one breast reduction for every two-breast enhancements.

In stark contrast to this, a recent survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that doctors perform less than one breast implant removal for every 12 breast augmentations.

The two surveys were organized differently, so comparisons of results must be considered tentative.

The American survey tallies men's breast reductions separately, but has only an implant-removal category. It doesn't break out any other breast-reduction procedures for women among the 1.8 million plastic surgeries it recorded last year. (ANI)