All You Should Know About Albert Einstein and General Theory of Relativity

About 100 years ago, German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein developed general theory of relativity, which is considered as one of the strong pillars of modern physics. The scientific community has been celebrating 100 years of the breakthrough that rewrites the gravity. A century has passed, but quantum gravity is still a mystery for physicists.

Einstein published some papers on photoelectric effect in 1905. In November, 1915, the theorist completed the general theory of relativity, which tells about the universe and planetary orbits around the sun. It explains the working of gravitational forces. For his work on the photoelectric effect, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Einstein was also a target of Adolf Hitler. The leader of the Nazi Party even said that Einstein’s work was actually Jewish work. The physicist started working with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey about 12 years after winning the Nobel Prize. He started to work on a unified field theory. During the World War II, Einstein and some other scientists made the US aware of Nazi’s atomic bomb experiment.

He was allowed to live in the US permanently in 1935. He also played a noticeable role in curtailing the usage of atomic bomb after Hiroshima bombing in 1945. In his life, Einstein published over 300 scientific papers.

The famous theoretical physicist died in 1955. Even after death, Einstein’s intelligence was a mystery. Thomas Stoltz Harvey even removed the physicist’s brain to know the secret of his intelligence.