Latest photos show less spooky side of the big asteroid that flew past Earth on Halloween

Latest photographs have shown the less spooky side of the huge asteroid that has flown past Earth on Halloween. The 2,000-foot-wide asteroid 2015 TB145 was looking amazingly like a huge skull in radar images taken by Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory on October 30.

But, the space rock didn’t seem so haunting in the latest pictures captured on October 31, when 2015 TB145 travelled within 300,000 miles of Earth, which was nearly 1.3 times the distance from the Earth to the moon.

In a statement on Tuesday, Lance Benner, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said, “The images look distinctly different from the Arecibo radar images obtained on Oct. 30 and are probably the result of seeing the asteroid from a different perspective in its three-hour rotation period”.

Benner, who leads NASA's asteroid radar research program , added that the radar pictures of the huge asteroid 2015 TB145 have shown areas of the surface that were not visible previously and have revealed pronounced concavities, bright spots that could be boulders and other complex features that may be ridges.

To capture the images, scientists used a 230-foot-wide (70 m) radar dish at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex of NASA in California and the 330-foot (100 m) Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, which was operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

Researchers suspected that 2015 TB145 could be a dead comet. They beamed microwaves at 2015 TB145 using the Goldstone antenna, and then gathered the radar ‘echoes’ with the help of the Green Bank dish. NASA officials said that the resulting pictures have featured a resolution as fine as 13 feet per pixel.