Iran asks UN to use technology to prove its innocence
The Islamic Republic of Iran has asked the United Nations nuclear monitors to make use of sophisticated technologies to inspect its facilities and prove to the world that the country is not seeking to build a nuclear bomb.
The International Atomic Energy Agency is set to conclude its quarterly meeting today in Vienna and the western power continue to pressurise the country over its nuclear programme. Iran is suspected of covertly developing nuclear weapons, a charge it denies and maintains that it has the right to harness civilian nuclear energy for generating power. In a statement about the country's nuclear programme, world powers expressed deep concern over the start-up of plutonium-producing reactor next year in Iran.
"We always welcome the agency to have more sophisticated equipment, to have more accuracy in their measurements, so that technical matters will not be politicized," Iranian envoy Ali Asghar Soltanieh said in Vienna.
The government of Iran has indicated that it will not have any objection to IAEA monitors using new technologies to determine if the country is extracted plutonium from spent fuel at its new reactor. Iran has said that it is not planning to extract plutonium from fuel but IAEA said in a report that it can only back the comment after inspecting the site. The agency has said that it believes that there are are military dimensions to its nuclear programme.