Aviva might cut 800 jobs in the UK

Aviva might cut 800 jobs in the UKInsurance giant, Aviva has indicated that it might have to let go 800 staff members in the UK under a major restructuring plan.

The company has not taken a decision about the locations for job cuts. There are concerns that the company will cut as many as 60 jobs at the Pitheavlis call centre. The job cut indications come just two months after optimism over comments by Aviva's head of general insurance business that the company might be employing twice as many staff in the Fair City.

The company was earlier planning to create a base for General Accident. There was optimism that the company will employ additional staff in Perth because of indications from the senior management that expansion plans might be made.

The company is not likely to cut jobs on any one area in order to avoid any one particular city of region to be disproportionately affected by the changes. The company employs 18,500 employees across the UK with 1400 of them in Perth. The staff was handling the commercial underwriting and household insurance claims for the customers.

The company said that redeployments and voluntary redundancies would mean that lesser than 800 people will lose their jobs in the UK.