Twitter to release tool allowing users to access whole tweet history

Twitter to release tool allowing users to access whole tweet historyMicro blogging site, Twitter will soon release a tool that will allow its users to access whole of their tweet history on the site.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said, "We're working on a tool to let users export all of their tweets. We're working on a tool to let users export all of their tweets." The users will be able to search from among the new few thousands posts.

Even as there are already third party apps that allow users to look up olds posts, but these apps can be expensive. Some of these apps only allows users to access tweet history of certain known people. Social networking giant, Facebook already offers such feature and the increasing popularity of Twitter as a medium for international news and communication has led to the demand for a history tool on the site.

The new toll will allow the users to look at their own tweets and also allow them to explore other users' backlogs of posts. Mr. Costolo pointed out that the tool will not be for accessing every tweet posted ever on the site and will only help users access their posts.

Mr. Costolo has not announced when the tool will be rolled out to the users of the site.