Growing farmer suicides linked to Bt cotton, advisory
According to internal advisory from the agricultural ministry, a growing number of farmer suicides have been among the Bt cotton farmers.
The union agriculture ministry sent out the January 9 internal advisory to cotton-growing states pointing out the difficult situation. It said that the cotton farmers are facing a difficult situation after their move to Bt cotton.
The advisory also noted that the number of farmer suicides have been `severe' among Bt cotton farmers in 2011-12. Even as experts have hailed the success of Bt cotton, it is believed that its gains were only felt in the first five years.
Bt cotton, which was allowed a decade earlier, has been adopted by 90 per cent of the country's cotton farmers. Yields from Bt cotton have been falling while the crop is facing increasing attack from pests. The only genetically modified crop in the country has been altered to fight cotton-eating pests.
Many farmers are unable to sustain due to the rising costs and are facing financial difficulties. It is being said that it is no longer profitable to grow Bt cotton in the country.
"In fact cost of cotton cultivation has jumped, due to rising costs of pesticides. Total Bt cotton production in the last five years has reduced," says the advisory.