Employers should not seek people’s login credentials, says Faceboo

Employers should not seek people’s login credentials, says FacebooSocial networking giant, Facebook has said that employers should not seek Facebook login credentials from its employees or potential candidates.

The company has warned that it will sue companies that seek login password from its employees or from people applying for a job.

Erin Egan, the site's chief privacy officer wrote on its `Facebook and Privacy Page' that the practice of seeking people's passwords violates not only the privacy of the users themselves but also of their friends. Using other people's password exposes the employer to `unanticipated legal liability', according to the post.

"If you are a Facebook user, you should never have to share your password, let anyone access your account, or do anything that might jeopardize the security of your account or violate the privacy of your friends," he wrote.

The company states clearly that it will take actions against employers who seek passwords of others to protect the privacy and security of our users. It said that it will either discuss the issues with policy makes or even take legal actions.

The company has also updated its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities in order to address the password issue.