Samsung to supply screens for new iPad

Samsung to supply screens for new iPadSouth Korean electronics giant, Samsung will start supplying screens for Apple's latest version of iPad tablet computer, according to a new report.

The move comes after Apple did not find the screens from LG Display and Sharp Corp to be of acceptable quality or the new tablet computer. An analyst working with global research firm, iSuppli said Apple was not satisfied with the quality fo screens supplied by LG Display and Sharp Corp.

Samsung is the only supplier for the 9.7-inch, touch-screen device, claimed Vinita Jakhanwal, a senior manager at iSuppli. The new deal would strengthen the relationship between the two companies, who were engaged in an intense legal war around the world over patent infringements. Apple, based in Cupertino, California, and Samsung have been locked in patent disputes concerning mobile technology and design since April.

Samsung already supplies chips that power the iPhone and iPad. Apple has showcased the new version of its tablet last week. The iPad's display comes with a 2048 x 1536 resolution with 3.1 million pixels and boasts 44 percent greater color saturation than the earlier version of the tablet.

Both Samsung and Apple did not comment on the matter.