14-month Ohio dead cremated by mistake

14-month Ohio dead cremated by mistakeOfficials have said that the body of a 14-month Ohio boy was cremated by mistake after the Franklin County Coroner's Office mistakenly released it.

The Columbus Dispatch has reported that Jaylen Talley's family had planned an open-casket funeral for the little boy. Paula Hall, his maternal grandmother, said his parents were too upset to talk about what had happened.

She said, "It's like losing him all over again. His parents wanted to see him one more time."

Jaylen died May 18 after suffering from respiratory problems throughout his short life. His body was released Wednesday when a driver arrived to pick up the body of Chase Z. Fine, a 22-day-old boy dead of causes that have not yet been determined.

It was also reported that the office only realized there had been a mix-up on Sunday when an employee called the funeral home handling Chase's arrangements to ask why the boy's body had not been picked up.

Coroner Jan Gorniak said he is "still in shock" about what happened. He said there are "multiple checks" to ensure bodies get where they are supposed to.

The report further said that a woman who has been with the coroner's office for seven years has been suspended pending an investigation into the error. (With Inputs from Agencies)