Apple releases iPad price for international market

Apple releases iPad price for international marketThe latest sensation in the gadget market, Apple iPad is soon to be available in all across the globe. Apple has released the price of the product in various countries.

The iPad was introduces in the US market on 3rd of April and in the last 28 days company had sold 1 million of iPads. This has been phenomenal response to the newly launched gadget.

In the last week of April, the company has released the 3G version of the iPad and it has received the same response as its previous version. There is huge requirement of the product in all across the world.

According to the company officials the first consignment of the product will be delivered on May 28. Apple exactly intended to ship iPad to Australia along with Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Britain and Switzerland.

Due to of the financial issues, Australia consignment is going to be delayed for a month. There has been a huge demand of the product in US market as well. The price of the iPad has been quoted in between $US499 to$879.