NASA prepares Atlantis, Discovery lands safely

NASA prepares Atlantis, Discovery lands safelyThe US space agency, NASA prepared spacecraft, Atlantis for one of the last mission to the International Space Station however its flight schedule is delayed by a month due to bad weather. Atlantis is expected to be launched on May 14. This will be the 32nd and final planned flight of Atlantis.

Meanwhile, another Space shuttle Discovery has landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday morning. Discovery has successfully completed its latest mission to deliver supplies to the space station. The mission was delayed by a day due to the bad weather in florida.

Discovery covered 238 complete orbits and 6.2 million miles since its launch on April 5 in a mission lasting 15 days. It delivered more than 17,000 pounds of supplies, equipment, and science gear and the crew conducted three spacewalks to replace an ammonia coolant tank.

"We're glad the International Space Station is stocked up again," Commander Alan Poindexter said to the mission control after landing.

Discovery will make one more flight to the ISS before it is retired. NASA has only three more missions to the ISS before ending its program there after replying on Russian crafts to take American astronauts to the ISS. NASA will reply on Russian, European and Japanese crafts for cargo.