UN asks countries to include anti-AIDS funds in stimulus packages
New York - The United Nations programme fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria urged governments on Tuesday to replenish its coffer to make up a shortfall of 4 billion dollars for the 2008- 2010 assistance to victims of the epidemic.
The UNAIDS programme needed 13.5 billion dollars for the three- year period, but so far has only 9.9 billion dollars, which it attributed to the current economic crisis affecting the biggest donors to the global fight against HIV/AIDS.
"We cannot let the economic crisis paralyze us," said Michel Sidibe, the executive director of UNAIDS, at a three-day conference in Caceres, Spain, on the voluntary replenishment of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
"Stimulus packages and economic adjustments should be made with a human face in mind," Sidibe said. "A mother should not have to choose between continuing AIDS treatment and feeding her children. We cannot let down the 4 million people on treatment and millions more in need today."
The replenishment conference was designed to help donors plan their financial contributions to the fund. (dpa)