Dhaka Disagrees with Reports Citing Bangladeshi Connection in Hyderabad Blasts

Hyderabad Blast
Dhaka: Bangladesh discarded on Tuesday Indian news reports connecting Bangladeshi outfits to lethal bomb blasts in India’s technology hub of Hyderabad in May and August.

According to Indian news reports, Bangladeshi police had seized a man suspected of masterminding a bomb blast on a mosque in Hyderabad in May and supplying full support for attacks in August in the same city.

A statement from Bangladesh’s Foreign Ministry stated, “Both the print and electronic media in India are trying to portray Bangladesh as a hotbed of terrorism. Such reports are disturbing and clearly motivated.”

However, the Indian news agencies reported that the man in custody was an associate of the Harkat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI), a Bangladeshi Jihadi group initially set up during the Afghan battle against Soviet occupation.

India has a stretched and porous boundary with Bangladesh, and New Delhi thinks Pakistani Islamist militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba works jointly with HUJI, with a wide network of activists comprising Indian Muslims - slipping across into India.

"It has become a habit of Indian officials to blame Bangladesh for every terrorist action in India," a foreign ministry official said.

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