Mystery man Bailout Bill still doling out dollars to broke New Yorkers with sob stories

Mystery man Bailout BillMystery man Bailout Bill, who recently started doling out cash to New Yorkers for telling tales of their financial woes on camera, is seeing more and more people coming to him for help.

He is handing out stacks of cash to people as part of a publicity stunt for a new video classifieds site called BailoutBooth. com.

Sitting in a booth, he listened to stories of economic hardship, one after another, recording each one with a video camera.

There were grandmothers without health insurance, unemployed truckers, scores of homeless folks and destitute mothers with their children.

People brought their bills, eviction notices and unemployment checks as evidence of their struggles.

"I'm seeing patterns now. People having a hard time finding work. There are lots of health insurance issues. But I tell you, I've felt like Santa all day," the Washington Post quoted Bailout Bill, who refused to give his full identity, as saying.

He handed out at least 50 dollars per story, and many got 100 dollars.

Bailout Bill revealed that he even paid 350 dollars to a mother of three children, who said that she was facing eviction.

He had given away 50,000 dollars by the end of the day. (ANI)
